Bocados de oro

Bocados de oro or Bonium is the title of a didactic treatise in prose dating back to the mid-thirteenth century and belonging to the sapiential literatur
Bocados de oro or Bonium is the title of a didactic treatise in prose dating back to the mid-thirteenth century and belonging to the sapiential literatur
The Liber imaginum signorum is a treatise on astrological medicine that appears under the title De imaginibus ad calculum in the Latin translation of Picatrix and in Opus de praeclarum imaginibus astrologicis of Jerome Torrella.
The Liber de quattuor confectionibus ad omnia genera animalium capienda is the Latin translation of an Arabic treatise about natural magic. Handed down from a single manuscript, the text in dialogical form is mentioned by the author of the Speculum astronomiae and by William of Auvergne in De universo.
Erroneously attributed to Albertus Magnus, the text circulates, with great success, from the XIII century circulates, within a collection of texts about magic, natural philosophy, chemistry and medicine, with various titles: Experimenta, Liber Experimentorum, Secrets Alberti, De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium, De herbarum proprietatibus naturis et animalium lapidum, Liber aggregationis.