Urania sive de stellis libri quinque, in Opera Pontani

Astrological poem in hexameters that concerns the constellations and their influences on worldly phenomena.
Astrological poem in hexameters that concerns the constellations and their influences on worldly phenomena.
The Tractatus de reactione was published in Bologna in 1515 (in aedibus Benedicti Hectoris Bononiensis), and includes the Quaestio de actione reali.
Pomponazzi published his Tractatus de intensione et remissione formarum in Bologna in 1514 (per Hieronymum Platonidem de Benedictis).
The editio princeps of the Tractatus de immortalitate animae was printed in Bologna in 1516 (per Iustinianum Leonardi Ruberiensem).
The Scotian edition of Tractatus acutissimi, utillimi et mere peripatetici (arte et sumptibus haeredum Octaviani Scoti) was published in Venice, in 1525.
The Quaestiones super IV libros De caelo date back to the Pomponatian classes of the year 1500-1501; the lessons take place in Padua.
The dating of the course is shown by the colophon (f. 89r).
Astrological poem in hexameters concerning the impact of celestial bodies on atmospheric phenomena and on the sublunary sphere.
The poem develops natural and astrological issues and ethical and pedagogical reasons.
L'Expositio super II libros De anima, inclusiva di quattro quaestiones, trasmette una trascrizione anonima degli appunti su un corso pomponazziano del 1508-1509 (data incerta), che si svolge a Padova.
The Expositio super I Aristotelis De anima et Commentatoris contains a reportatio of a series of Pomponatian lectures on Aristotle's De anima (1503-1504); the lessons take place in Padua.
The Expositio libelli De substantia orbis, including the four Quaestiones super libello De substantia orbis, contains the "calligraphic" and anonymous transcription of a reportatio based on Pomponatian course of the year 1507.
The Defensorium was printed in Bologna in 1519 (per magistrum Iustinianum De Rubiera).
This text presents in detail the movements of the Earth.
Astrological treatise in fourteen books, drawn up at the end of the Century in the light of Ptolemaic astrology and in controversy with the text of the Pico della Mirandola, Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem.
Treatise which shares the aristocratic perspective of the texts on civil virtues, written a few years before De magnanimitate.
Fragment of an astrological text that relates to the moon and its influence.
The text is part of a trilogy of natural and astrological writings of Pontano, made in prose, which belong to the last phase of his theoretical elaboration.
Ethical treatise on the virtue of benefaction, drawn up in the years 1493-1494 and printed in 1498.
Latin edition and commentary in two books of Centiloquium pseudo-Ptolemaic, translated by Pontano from original in greek.
The book was printed in 1556, edited by Dorandino Falcone di Gioia, who translated a previous Latin version, that will be published only in 1602.
Pomponazzi published his Apologia in Bologna, in 1518 (per magistrum Iustinianum Leonardi Ruberiensem).