Urania sive de stellis libri quinque, in Opera Pontani

Astrological poem in hexameters that concerns the constellations and their influences on worldly phenomena.
Astrological poem in hexameters that concerns the constellations and their influences on worldly phenomena.
Astrological poem in hexameters concerning the impact of celestial bodies on atmospheric phenomena and on the sublunary sphere.
The poem develops natural and astrological issues and ethical and pedagogical reasons.
The text consists of a collection of astrological aphorisms attributed to Hermes probably translated by a lost Arabic origil by the physician and philosopher of the 11th century Haly Abenrudianus ('Ali ibn Ridwan).
Astrological treatise in fourteen books, drawn up at the end of the Century in the light of Ptolemaic astrology and in controversy with the text of the Pico della Mirandola, Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem.
Fragment of an astrological text that relates to the moon and its influence.
The text is part of a trilogy of natural and astrological writings of Pontano, made in prose, which belong to the last phase of his theoretical elaboration.
Latin edition and commentary in two books of Centiloquium pseudo-Ptolemaic, translated by Pontano from original in greek.