
The original Arabic text, entitled Ghayat al-hakim, was written in Spain in 1047-1051 and translated into Castilian in 1256, at the court of Alfonso X el Sabio.
The original Arabic text, entitled Ghayat al-hakim, was written in Spain in 1047-1051 and translated into Castilian in 1256, at the court of Alfonso X el Sabio.
The Liber institutionum activarum is the Latin translation, compiled in Spain in the thirteenth century, of an Arabic apocryphal Kitab al-nawamis drawn up perhaps by Abu Zayd Hunayn.
Erroneously attributed to Albertus Magnus, the text circulates, with great success, from the XIII century circulates, within a collection of texts about magic, natural philosophy, chemistry and medicine, with various titles: Experimenta, Liber Experimentorum, Secrets Alberti, De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium, De herbarum proprietatibus naturis et animalium lapidum, Liber aggregationis.