Bocados de oro

Bocados de oro or Bonium is the title of a didactic treatise in prose dating back to the mid-thirteenth century and belonging to the sapiential literatur
Bocados de oro or Bonium is the title of a didactic treatise in prose dating back to the mid-thirteenth century and belonging to the sapiential literatur
The Liber philosophorum moralium antiquorum is the Latin transposition of a text called Bocados de oro, drawn up at the court of Alfonso X el Sabio.
It is an anthology of one hundred astrological aphorisms of Arab origin, written by Stephen of Messina between 1258 and 1266, and dedicated to Manfredi of Sicily.
The Abbreviatio in I Sententiarum Aegidii Romani of James of Viterbo has long been regarded as a shortened form of the ordinatio of Giles of Rome’s Commentary on the first book of the Sententiae of Peter Lombard.