Liber de quindecim stellis

This booklet, attributed to Hermes Abhaidimon, «almost unique among the philosophers blessed by God», relates the characters of fifteen fixed stars, each one exerting influence on an associated gem, plant and magic image.
This booklet, attributed to Hermes Abhaidimon, «almost unique among the philosophers blessed by God», relates the characters of fifteen fixed stars, each one exerting influence on an associated gem, plant and magic image.
The text consists of a collection of astrological aphorisms attributed to Hermes probably translated by a lost Arabic origil by the physician and philosopher of the 11th century Haly Abenrudianus ('Ali ibn Ridwan).
The original version of the Iatromathematica consists of two slightly different Greek versions. The second one is the basis of the two Latin versions we have.
This text presents in detail the movements of the Earth.