Quaestiones super IV libros De caelo

The Quaestiones super IV libros De caelo date back to the Pomponatian classes of the year 1500-1501; the lessons take place in Padua.
The dating of the course is shown by the colophon (f. 89r).
The Quaestiones super IV libros De caelo date back to the Pomponatian classes of the year 1500-1501; the lessons take place in Padua.
The dating of the course is shown by the colophon (f. 89r).
The Liber institutionum activarum is the Latin translation, compiled in Spain in the thirteenth century, of an Arabic apocryphal Kitab al-nawamis drawn up perhaps by Abu Zayd Hunayn.
It is difficult to determine whether the Liber Antimaquis (book of the spiritual works of Aristotle and the secrets of Hermes) represents the direct translation of a set of treaties on Hermetic magic, with several titles in Arabic manuscripts, or the adaptation of a previous version.
L'Expositio super II libros De anima, inclusiva di quattro quaestiones, trasmette una trascrizione anonima degli appunti su un corso pomponazziano del 1508-1509 (data incerta), che si svolge a Padova.
The Expositio libelli De substantia orbis, including the four Quaestiones super libello De substantia orbis, contains the "calligraphic" and anonymous transcription of a reportatio based on Pomponatian course of the year 1507.
The Compendium Aureum, also known as Tractatus de septem herbis septem planetis attributis, accompanies the De consideratione quintae essentiae of the Franciscan John of Rupescissa (14th century) in numerous manusc