
Asclepius is the Latin translation of an original Greek treatise of second or third century, entitled Logos teleios and sometimes mistakenly included among the works of Apuleius (second century).
Asclepius is the Latin translation of an original Greek treatise of second or third century, entitled Logos teleios and sometimes mistakenly included among the works of Apuleius (second century).
The book was printed in 1556, edited by Dorandino Falcone di Gioia, who translated a previous Latin version, that will be published only in 1602.
Pomponazzi published his Apologia in Bologna, in 1518 (per magistrum Iustinianum Leonardi Ruberiensem).
The Abbreviatio in I Sententiarum Aegidii Romani of James of Viterbo has long been regarded as a shortened form of the ordinatio of Giles of Rome’s Commentary on the first book of the Sententiae of Peter Lombard.