Agricoltura Nabatea

The Book of Nabatean Agriculture has been translated into Arabic in the 10th century from
The Book of Nabatean Agriculture has been translated into Arabic in the 10th century from
The Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum is an apocryphal of the hermetic tradition, written in the second half of the twelfth century and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
The book is divided into seven parts preceded by a prologue, in which the legend of the three Hermes, dating back to the philosopher Albumasar, is narrated.
The original version of the Iatromathematica consists of two slightly different Greek versions. The second one is the basis of the two Latin versions we have.
Capitulum de arbore borissa is a short treatise containing the magical, alchemical and medical explanation of borissa, a plant that belongs to the genre of Lunariae.