Tractatus de reactione

The Tractatus de reactione was published in Bologna in 1515 (in aedibus Benedicti Hectoris Bononiensis), and includes the Quaestio de actione reali.
The Tractatus de reactione was published in Bologna in 1515 (in aedibus Benedicti Hectoris Bononiensis), and includes the Quaestio de actione reali.
The Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum is an apocryphal of the hermetic tradition, written in the second half of the twelfth century and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
It is the Latin version - achieved by Ugo of Santalla - of the Arab work Kitab sirr al-haliqa ("The book of the secret of Creation"), written in the first half of the 11th century.
Marguerite Porete (Porrete or Porreta) was burned in the Place de Greve in Paris (1310) for heresy. The imputations relate to some sentences of Le Mirouer des simples âmes taken out of context.