Tractatus de iudicio urinae

Also titled Liber de iudiciis urinae sine visu eiusdem urinae the treatise is anonymous or attributed to Hermes.
Also titled Liber de iudiciis urinae sine visu eiusdem urinae the treatise is anonymous or attributed to Hermes.
Pomponazzi published his Tractatus de intensione et remissione formarum in Bologna in 1514 (per Hieronymum Platonidem de Benedictis).
The editio princeps of the Tractatus de immortalitate animae was printed in Bologna in 1516 (per Iustinianum Leonardi Ruberiensem).
The Scotian edition of Tractatus acutissimi, utillimi et mere peripatetici (arte et sumptibus haeredum Octaviani Scoti) was published in Venice, in 1525.
The Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum is an apocryphal of the hermetic tradition, written in the second half of the twelfth century and attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
Marguerite Porete (Porrete or Porreta) was burned in the Place de Greve in Paris (1310) for heresy. The imputations relate to some sentences of Le Mirouer des simples âmes taken out of context.
L'Expositio super II libros De anima, inclusiva di quattro quaestiones, trasmette una trascrizione anonima degli appunti su un corso pomponazziano del 1508-1509 (data incerta), che si svolge a Padova.
The Expositio super I Aristotelis De anima et Commentatoris contains a reportatio of a series of Pomponatian lectures on Aristotle's De anima (1503-1504); the lessons take place in Padua.
The Defensorium was printed in Bologna in 1519 (per magistrum Iustinianum De Rubiera).
Asclepius is the Latin translation of an original Greek treatise of second or third century, entitled Logos teleios and sometimes mistakenly included among the works of Apuleius (second century).
Pomponazzi published his Apologia in Bologna, in 1518 (per magistrum Iustinianum Leonardi Ruberiensem).