De magnanimitate libri duo

Treatise which shares the aristocratic perspective of the texts on civil virtues, written a few years before De magnanimitate.
BPHV raccoglie testi significativi del sapere medievale e rinascimentale,
nelle versioni occidentali ed orientali, secondo una duplice organizzazione:
a) geografica, dove l'accento è posto sul rapporto tra i centri in cui il sapere si sviluppa e si irradia verso le periferie:
b) tematica:
Treatise which shares the aristocratic perspective of the texts on civil virtues, written a few years before De magnanimitate.
Ethical treatise on the virtue of grander, written after the printing of the De principe, De obedientia and of the De fortitudine.
Erroneously attributed to Albertus Magnus, the text circulates, with great success, from the XIII century circulates, within a collection of texts about magic, natural philosophy, chemistry and medicine, with various titles: Experimenta, Liber Experimentorum, Secrets Alberti, De virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium, De herbarum proprietatibus naturis et animalium lapidum, Liber aggregationis.
Ethical treatise in five books, written after the Civil Neapolitan War (1459-1465), which had raised the issue of the relationship between the political body and royal authority.
Ethical treatise written around 1468 for Alfonso of Calabria, the future sovereign of the Kingdom of Naples.
Philosophical treatise in five books dealing with the prudence as a civil virtue. In the text, the moral doctrine is part of a natural setting and man's behavior is seen as a reflection of physical characteristics.
De quattuor annulis Salomonis (Tractatus discipulorum Salomonis super eutentam et ydeam)
Astrological treatise in fourteen books, drawn up at the end of the Century in the light of Ptolemaic astrology and in controversy with the text of the Pico della Mirandola, Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem.
Ethical treatise on the virtue of splendor, written after the printing of the De principe, De obedientia and of the De fortitudine.
This text presents in detail the movements of the Earth.
The Defensorium was printed in Bologna in 1519 (per magistrum Iustinianum De Rubiera).
The Expositio libelli De substantia orbis, including the four Quaestiones super libello De substantia orbis, contains the "calligraphic" and anonymous transcription of a reportatio based on Pomponatian course of the year 1507.
The Expositio super I Aristotelis De anima et Commentatoris contains a reportatio of a series of Pomponatian lectures on Aristotle's De anima (1503-1504); the lessons take place in Padua.
L'Expositio super II libros De anima, inclusiva di quattro quaestiones, trasmette una trascrizione anonima degli appunti su un corso pomponazziano del 1508-1509 (data incerta), che si svolge a Padova.
Many researches were carried out to offer a definition of hermetic text.
To this aim, the original plan concieved by Paolo Lucentini (1987) and its update proposed by David Porreca and Antonella Sannino (2024) are attached.
The original version of the Iatromathematica consists of two slightly different Greek versions. The second one is the basis of the two Latin versions we have.
The Kyranides describe, in alphabetical order, the magical healing powers of plants, animals, stones and their secret relationship.
Marguerite Porete (Porrete or Porreta) was burned in the Place de Greve in Paris (1310) for heresy. The imputations relate to some sentences of Le Mirouer des simples âmes taken out of context.